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is a modern-day medicine woman. After years of working in one of the most prominent talent agencies in Hollywood, she left for a vacation that turned into a holy journey. From India to Asia, Europe, Indonesia, South and Central America, her travels led her to study with master yogis, shamans, and light-workers all around the world. 


In humbleness she is summoned into Divine service: 


"From a young age, I knew I was here to serve the Divine. Throughout the test of 'time', I may have taken different paths but never did I lose sight of my connection to Him, to Her, to the One. Even when I had forgotten, I remembered. It is now my honor to assist you to recognize your own highest potentiality. To help align you with the power of the Heart to create and manifest, from the 'intangible' to the 'tangible' and back to the 'intangible'. Together, we can dream into being a world interwoven with beauty and power, grace and strength. To give respect to the gift each of us innately has in relation to the Wholeness of Life. Yes, we can. Only love, Sitara"

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